

来源:理学院 发布日期:2023-02-13



1.B. Cao, Z. Qiu, K. Huang, D. Lü, X. Zhang, and X. Lu, “Single-mode fiber auto-coupling system with wedges,” Optical Fiber Technology 61, 102433 (2021).

2.Bingsong Cao, Donghui Shen, Zhifang Qiu, Tong Li, Kaikai Huang, Xian Zhang, and Xuanhui Lu, “Characteristics of an elliptical Airy beam with a circular concentric vortex and its realization,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 37, 1883–1887 (2020).

3.T. Li, B. Cao, X. Zhang, X. Ma, K. Huang, and X. Lu, “Polarization transitions in the focus of radial-variant vector circular Airy beams,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 36, 526–532 (2019).

4.Z. Qiu, B. Cao, T. Li, D. Shen, K. Huang, X. Zhang, and X. Lu, “The abruptly auto-braiding property of the Bessel beam superimposed with circular Airy beam,” Optics & Laser Technology 148, 107715 (2022).

5.Z. Qiu, B. Cao, K. Huang, X. Zhang, and X. Lu, “The tailoring effect of two symmetrically distributed vortices on circular Airy beam,” Opt. Commun. 510, 127915 (2022).

6.Z. Qiu, B. Cao, K. Huang, X. Zhang, and X. Lu, “High-dimensional coding/decoding information with braiding period in free-space optical communication link,” Optik 258, 168828 (2022).